Effective and practical SEND training. The aim is to promote a better understanding of Dyslexia and other learning difficulties. Each school requires a slightly different package which will be tailored to the schools needs. A range of training can be offered either during the day or as twilight sessions for all members of staff.
Examples of training can include:
- Understanding Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Difficulties
- Whole Brain Spelling
- Meeting the Needs of Pupils with Specific Maths Difficulties
- Dyslexia-Friendly Classrooms
- Multi-Sensory Teaching
- Specific training for Teaching Assistants
Some of the areas of training for teaching assistants are listed below:
- Alphabet awareness/arc/activities
- Multi-sensory spelling strategies
- Identification and response to comprehension difficulties
- Detailed miscue analysis and running records for decoding errors
Please get in contact to discuss your requirements.